Mental health skill-building services is defined as goal directed training and supports to enable restoration of an individual to the highest level of baseline functioning and achieve and maintain community stability and independence in the most appropriate, least restrictive environment.
Eligibility Criteria
A. The individual shall have one of the following as a primary Axis I DSM diagnosis:
1) Schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder
2) Major Depressive Disorder – Recurrent;
3) Bipolar I; or Bipolar II;
4) Any other Axis I mental health disorder that a physician has documented within the past year to include all of the following:
(i) that is a serious mental illness;
(ii) that results in severe and recurrent disability;
(iii) that produces functional limitations in the individual’s major life activities that are documented in the individual’s medical record, AND;
(iv) that the individual requires individualized training in order to achieve or maintain independent living in the community.
B. The individual shall require individualized training in acquiring basic living skills such as symptom management; adherence to psychiatric and medication treatment plans; development and appropriate use of social skills and personal support system; personal hygiene; food preparation; or money management.
C. The individual shall have a prior history of any of the following: psychiatric hospitalization; residential or outpatient crisis stabilization, ICT or Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) services; placement in a psychiatric residential treatment facility (RTC Level C); or TDO pursuant to the Code of Virginia §37.2- 809(B) evaluation as a result of decompensation related to serious mental illness.
D. Prescription for anti-psychotic, mood stabilizing, or antidepressant medications within the 12 months prior to the assessment date. Unless, when an individual's physician or other practitioner who is authorized to prescribe medications indicates that anti-psychotic, mood stabilizing, or antidepressant medications are medically contraindicated for the individual.

Individual interventions may include:
Assessment of competency and adaptive functioning
Evaluation of mental health needs
Implementation of an Individualized Service Plan addressing identified needs
Up to 15 hours per week of home and community-based support
Assistance with accessing and navigating community resources
Advocacy within the medical, educational, social service and psychiatric systems
Psycho-education and skills-training to improve independent living
Frequent communication and collaboration with associated professionals and treatment team members

The Mental Health Skills Building Program Assists Individual's With:
Managing Mental Health Symptoms
Independent Living Skills
Access & Coordination to Community Resources
Housing & Shelter Assistance
Household Management Skills
Money Management & Budgeting Skills
Time Management Skills
Communication Skills
Recreational Activities to Build Social Skills
Use of social skills/personal supports
Medication Management
Health & Physical Conditions Management
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) (hygiene, household management skills, organizational skills